Monday, July 23, 2018

Week #100 - Pedra Branca/Palhoca - Episode #15 - Combati o bom combate

The mission was certainly the hardest thing I´ve ever loved to do as I learned it would be from a letter Uncle Paul forwarded me while I was still in the CTM. I have had countless incredible experiences, learned many life lessons, met so many people, and have developed a love for a country and culture that I once knew so little about. When I opened my call, I had no idea what the mission would be like but I truly felt the Spirit confirm to me that that´s where I was supposed to go. As I finish my mission, I am filled with peace and gratitude knowing that I have met the people I was supposed to meet and have done my best to serve as an instrument in the Lord´s hands to help bring others unto Christ.

Ever since I entered the CTM, I have been put through the refiner´s fire having to put my pride aside and sincerely rely on the Lord´s help. I remember my first week in the field feeling extremely unqualified; not understanding what people were saying, not knowing how to teach, feeling lost, having to walk more than ever, but always trusting that the Lord would be by my side. I am thankful that the Lord has trusted in me as well despite of my weaknesses as he said he would in D&C 1:23, ´´That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world...´´.

I am more thankful than ever for Christ´s example and for His eternal sacrifice. There have been many moments when I have been extremely tired or frustrated but I would think of Mosiah 15:7 which says, ´´Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the son being swallowed up in the will of the father.´´ This scripture has helped me many times to do the Lord´s will and not mine. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, that He took upon Himself the sins of the world. I know that He resurrected and was victorious over death. Because of Him, we can be clean from our mistakes and cleansed of our impurities. We will be resurrected and we can live with loved ones again. ´´Which of the founders of major world religions declared himself to be divine? Buddha did not. Muhammad did not. Nor did Lao-tzu, Confucius, Abraham, or Moises. Only one religious leader made such a claim and then backed it up by the way he lived, the things He taught, and the miracles He performed - Jesus Christ.´´ (Brad Wilcox).

Usually when I talk to strangers I ask them if they have ever thought about their purpose here on earth or if they think there is life after death. Some would say that they have thought a lot about it and others would say that those questions have never crossed their minds. I am always happy to testify that our life does have purpose and there is more after this life. A philosopher said, This is the terror; to have emerged from nothing, to have a name, consciousness of self, deep inner feelings, an excruciating inner yearning for life, and self expression - and with all these yet to die. It seems like a hoax.´´. It has been an amazing experience to teach people about the Plan of Salvation and see them fill with understanding and hope as the Spirit testified to them of these truths.

I have felt the pure love of Christ as I have learned to care about so many other people. I will never forget the people I have met and the relationships I have created. People who were once complete strangers turned into eternal friends after knocking on their door or talking to them on the street. People would tell me their life stories and ask for help just because I was wearing a name tag that says Elder. Many humble members would act as if the Savior was in their house and make us a feast. Being a representative of Christ has been a very humbling experience. Although my love does not come close to that of Christ, I´m thankful for the opportunity I´ve had to feel a portion of what he feels for each of us.

I will surely miss this place, but as the apostle Paul wrote, ´´...the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.´´ Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. Thanks to all those who read my emails!! You guys are the best and have helped me so much. I love you all!!

Elder Scheer


  1. Thank you for your example and testimony. You have strengthened me these past two year!

  2. Obrigada Elder Scheer, vc é um rapaz muito querido. Vai deixar saudade aqui no Brasil. Mas quando tiver oportunidade, venha nos visitar será sempre bem vindo e sua família também!!
