Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Week #46 – Florianópolis – Episode #15 - Milagres Acontecem

I hope everyone had an incredible week and an amazing fourth of July!! The Americans in my ward but a ton of fireworks and launched them on the beach and I wasn´t there but they said 100 people came to watch so that is pretty cool. 

This week was actually super good!

First off starting with the fact that our new President cut all of my last President´s rules, so now we can do normal stuff! Today we went on a hike and played spike ball on the beach with the Americans and it was a blast. Before we couldn´t play any sports or use normal clothes on P-Day so I am super happy. 

I spent the evening of the 4th teaching a family that I have come to love so much. D, L, and W. They are very humble but so smart and understand everything so well. We taught the Gospel of Christ and invited them to baptism and they accepted! Pretty hype but they still have to get legally married which will take a while. But at least they have the desire.

A while ago I talked about a 14 year old investigator named D, who´s parents are members, but have been inactive for a while. The first time we invited her to be baptized her mom freaked out and said we were pressuring her so we have been kind of taking it easy. This week we finished teaching her the lessons and then her mom looked at us and mouthed ´´ask her to be baptized´´. We just looked at each other really shocked haha, but she will be baptized July 22. They have come to church 5 Sundays in a row now so that is super awesome. 

Lastly is a A and V, another family that I love sooooo much. A was baptized when he was 16, but was inactive for a while and V isn´t a member. The problem is that they aren´t legally married so she can´t get baptized until that happens. The other day they were giving us a ride home and they were saying how they were planning their wedding!! We were so happy! Sadly we won´t be here for it but we know that we did our part. A is so grateful for us and they have us over every Sunday night for dinner. Last week they made us some bomb fish called Tainha and last night they made us some huge gourmet hamburgers. They are the best!

Well that´s pretty much it for this week! Love you all as always!!

John 16:33
´´These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.´´

Sempre fica firme, forte e feliz!!

Elder Scheer

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