Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 38 - Florianópolis - Episode #7 - Swan Dive!

I hope everyone had an incredible Mother´s Day!! Thank you to all of the mothers that make life possible!

Also a huge shout out to PV volleyball for taking Region this year! Everyone go support them this week in State!

Not a ton happened this week but a few awesome things...
This past Thursday I had the opportunity to interview an African from Ghana for his baptism. He doesn´t speak very much Portuguese so I got to do it in English and it was a super spiritual experience. It was incredible to see how great his desire was to follow Christ. I asked him if most of the people in Ghana are like that and he said yes. I think that is so awesome! They are naturally humble because of their circumstances and always have to trust in the Savior. Sadly many people who aren´t forced to be humble reject Christ because they feel like they don´t need Him. We always need to remember to humble ourselves no matter what our circumstances are and rely on the Lord. We really are nothing without Heavenly Father and could never get back to Him without Christ. 

Saturday was Guillerme´s baptism and it went super well! I really liked a story from one of the member´s testimony: During a flight a plane entered high winds and when the pilot announced that they would experience strong turbulences everyone became a little uneasy. A women realized that a young boy next to her didn´t seem nervous at all and just continued drawing as he was before. She asked him, ´´Aren´t you a little nervous?´´. The boy responded smiling, ´´I trust the pilot, he´s my dad.´´. All of us will face challenges in our lives but as long as we stay optimistic and put our trust in God, we will always come out of the difficulties as a better version of ourselves. 

On Sunday one of our investigators, Vanessa finally went to church! We were so happy! Also a lady showed up with her son and said that she went to church once in another city but moved here recently and wants to come every week so we are super excited to start teaching her this week!

The subject is swan dive because on Friday during district meeting I left the room and I tripped on a step and just embraced it and gracefully slid 5 feet on my chest like the good ´ol volleyball days hahaha.

I love you all and have a great week!

Sempre fica firme, forte e feliz!

Elder Scheer

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