Wednesday, November 23, 2016

WEEK #13 - JARAGUA DO SUL - Episode #6 - Baptism and Christmas Ties!

First Transfer done already?? Holy cow time is flying by! These first 6 weeks in the field were so much faster than the first 6 in the CTM. I´ll be staying here with Elder Reis for another transfer to finish training so not much is new. But we will be getting a new District Leader so hopefully he´s chill.

Big news!!!!! Haha not really. After emailing last week we bought some fabric and stuff and I made a Christmas tie! So I´m pretty much like a pro seamstress so it's whatever. It took a solid 2 hours or a little longer but it turned out pretty good! I forgot to take a pic of the back to show ya'll but it looks so dang horrendous hahaha.

On Monday we had plans to have Family Home Evening at the Bishop´s house with 2 investigators but both of them bailed because of something at work. It´s all good though. We went over there anyway and had FHE. Bishop shared a video that is like a tribute to Joseph Smith and showed him in a bunch of places that I was able to visit on the Church History Tour last year. I was able to remember the Spirit that I felt in all those places and shared my testimony. After we had some pizza :)

On Tuesday we taught the Relief Society how to make chocolate chip cookies! Sounds super strange that the Relief Society doesn't know how to make cookies but they don´t have them in Brasil. It was a great time.

This week we really focused on getting Josi prepared for her baptism and everything went super smoothly! The baptismal service went really well and we always have cake and food after which is a mega plus haha. But it is such an incredible experience to be helping people follow the example of our Savior!!

We have other investigators but not many are progressing right now. Hopefully this week we can focus on a few and help them to take big steps of faith by praying, reading the scriptures, and going to church.

In this short time my love for O Livro de Mormon has grown so much. It is so applicable to our lives and was written for these days. In 2 Nephi 28, Nephi sees the days that we are living in today. He says that there are many false prophets and churches (organizations and people in the church). Many of these people say ´´Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die´´ which is the today´s equivalent of YOLO (You only live once). So many people today live in the moment and do things to have instant gratification. It is so important that we follow the standards that we have been given by Prophets of God and have an eternal perspective.

I hope everyone has an incredible Thanksgiving!! Sadly Brasil doesn't celebrate it so eat up for me and all my boys serving over seas. I´m so thankful for all of you! Have a great week!!

Sempre fica firme, forte e feliz

Elder Scheer

Josi's Baptism

Grubbin' with some Elders

Our Christmas Tree

Modeling the Christmas Tie I made

Our apartment

More of our apartment

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